The Practice Boyfriend

The Practice Boyfriend - giselleslash

Awwww, sure that was really grand!!

So, Susan and myself were talking recently about fandoms, this naturally led to us deciding we didn't have enough of a problem with Sterek and that we should commit to another one.

Enter 'Merthur' and Merlin buddy watching!!

Now, I like these two, the sexual tension on the show is actually outrageous. How these two didn't get it on I will never know, because from the first time they meet the sparks, they do be flying!! But (there is always a but, hehe) I'm not hooked. I really did liked this, the 'fake boyfriend' trope is a favourite and Arthur was adorable and Merlin was adorable and it was all very adorable. It's an enjoyable read and I totally recommend. I think that maybe I need to read a few more Merthur and watch some more of the show as this just didn't satisfy as much as Sterek does but this fandom certainly has the potential to suck me in.
