Infected: Freefall

Infected: Freefall - Andrea Speed
“Here was a man who would never truly be at peace with himself, because he wasn't just a man, but he wasn't a lion either. He was and forever would be the unholy combination of both.”


“He deserved to die as he lived, neither here nor there, torn between human and other.”

Freefall was absolutely wonderful but Bloodletting felt a little slow at times, even though lots was happening, and I was left very disappointed. I think after the insanity that occurred at the end of Freefall everything else (bar a slightly psychopathic Holden losing his shit in a way that terrified and enthralled me) felt anticlimactic and some insane stuff happens, so it really goes to show how epic Roan's hissy fit at the end of Freefall was.

I love Holden but I'm slightly concerned about him right now and Roan's condition seems like it's going to get a lot worse before anything gets better which is making me rather scared of the next book, I will soldier on though, mainly because the cover of the next one is my favourite and this proves I'm a total cover ho!!

Perhaps my least favourite so far in the series but I think that might have to do with the constant RL interruptions imposed on me while reading it and it felt like it took 10 years to finish.