The Will

2nd read - 6 - 11 January 2016

Love this book. Jake is one of my favourite KA men and even though she is not for everyone I absolutely LOVE Josie. She is the freaking bomb!!
One of the things that I especially love about this series is the fact that the MC's are a little bit older than what I'm used to in my romances and I really like seeing how these relationships start and develop when the characters have the inevitable extra 'baggage' that comes with just living life.
Even though this is one of my favourites, it is overly long and little dragged out at times. I think that I felt this way on the second read because I was in a rush to get to the epilogue and that's because it is one of my favourite KA epilogues of all time and makes me cry sappy happy tears like nobodies business.
Cute and sweet classic KA.